Cleveland Day of .Net

I have been waiting for something like this. It’s a free one day conference on Saturday, May 17, 2008 for .Net developers in and around Cleveland. I am excited and looking forward for the various talks on .Net, if you are interested, just click on the picture below. You need openID to register for the event, having an openID is very handy and convenient, you can get one here

Cleveland Day of .NET

Live Writer for WordPress

One of the main reasons for starting a blog on Live Spaces is the Live Writer so that I don’t have to use the web browser to post an entry. When I switched to WordPress, I thought I cannot use Live Writer anymore, but just found that I can still use it with a variety of weblog services, that helps me to blog more actively….wohooo….

Yes!! you are right….I am using Live Writer to post this.

Switching to WP

Decided to switch to wp for more flexibility. Imported my few entries from blogspot account, need to pull in the other few entries from live spaces blog.

UPDATE: Imported my live space entries too. This will be my new blog from now on, will try to blog more actively 😉 if you are planning to move from live spaces, I suggest you try this python script, it’s simple and easy.

Adding AjaxToolKit to VS2005 in Vista

I upgraded my OS recently to Vista and today I had to work on the Ajax controls. Since, my VS 2005 is reinstalled, I tried to add the Ajax control toolkit to the Toolbox, but couldn’t succeed and got this error

Could not load file or assembly ‘System.Web.Extensions’.

The reason I couldn’t add it is because of the User Account Control. I needed to start Visual Studio as an Administrator and was able to add the toolkit. Just a quick tip 😉

First attempt to host a WCF Service on IIS 7.0

I spent a couple of hours this evening trying to get IIS up and running on my Vista machine during my first day attempts at WCF. I installed IIS after installing the .Net SDK and as expected mappings and setting for ASP.Net are not in place. I ran the aspnet_regiis.exe and turned on the IIS Metabase and IIS 6 configuration compatibility feature.

Here is a quick and short article on Managing IIS 6.0 Servers from Windows Vista. Though the IIS is working, next thing I ran into is the debugging issues, I couldn’t debug the ASP.Net. I found this entry from Scott which recommends installing the Hot-fix patch. Hoping everything would work fine now, I tried to access a WCF service (.svc file), but still no luck. Got Cannot Find Server (404) or Get Plain Text for WCF .svc Files From IIS error which made me think if .svc is not supported in IIS which can’t be true. The reason we saw this is because the IIS Metabase got messed up by the WCF installation.

I downloaded the CleanIISScriptMaps.exe and ran it without any arguments, after running it seemed to work fine, I had a feeling I am getting closer. Now, I tried to view the service in the browser, but got this error. Security settings for this service require ‘Anonymous’ Authentication but it is not enabled for the IIS application that hosts this service.

So, I enabled the Anonymous Authentication in the IIS settings and it worked. Finally I was able to look at the service in the browser.

So, here is a quick review of what I did.

  1. Ran the aspnet_regiis.exe.
  2. Turned on the IIS Metabase and IIS 6 configuration compatibility feature.
  3. Installed the Hot-fix patch to enable ASP.Net debugging on IIS 7.0
  4. Cleaned the IIS ScriptMaps by running CleanIISScriptMaps.exe
  5. Enabled the anonymous authentication in the IIS settings.

Hope this will save a few of you a couple of hours.

Windows App for Facebook

I was going through Facebook’s API and excited to see Facebook Developer Toolkit for WinForms and ASP.Net. Googled to see if there are any Facebook clients for Windows and there is one, Fosimo, downloaded and tried it, though work is still in progress, looks pretty neat. Will try to explore it a bit more.

Not sure if Fosimo is built using the Developer Toolkit for WinForms and ASP.Net? Facebook developer kit can be found here.


I always have had the crave to learn the latest technology, but for the past few months, I have been lazy. I decided to learn WCF and WPF, though I am a little late in doing this, I am hoping to catch up pretty soon and the best way to do it is to stick to a book, after some research, I found Learning WCF by Michele Bustamante to be a good resource on WCF.

If you don’t have the book yet, this article from MSDN magazine is a good place to start.